3x4 Genetics Test

Unlock Your Health Potential with the 3x4 Genetics Test

Personalized health has taken center stage, and genetic testing is one of the most powerful tools available. The 3x4 Genetics Test provides insights into how your unique DNA affects your health, helping you make informed decisions about diet, fitness, and lifestyle. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, this test allows for customized strategies based on your genetic makeup.

What Is the 3x4 Genetics Test?

The 3x4 Genetics Test analyzes your DNA to provide actionable insights into how your body processes nutrients, responds to exercise, and manages stress. Unlike traditional genetic tests that focus only on disease risks, the 3x4 test is designed to optimize your overall health. It evaluates key areas like:

  • Nutrient Metabolism: Understand how your body metabolizes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to tailor your diet.

  • Detoxification: Discover how efficiently your body eliminates toxins.

  • Fitness Potential: Learn how your genes influence athletic performance and recovery.

  • Inflammation: Identify genetic tendencies toward chronic inflammation.

  • Hormonal Balance: Understand how your body regulates stress hormones like cortisol.

  • Heart Health: Gain insights into your cardiovascular risks, such as cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

What Does the 3x4 Genetics Test Reveal?

The test provides insights into six key health areas, offering personalized recommendations for:

  • Nutrition: Learn how your genes influence nutrient absorption, sensitivities, and metabolism. For example, the test may reveal if you’re sensitive to carbs or if you need higher amounts of certain vitamins.

  • Fitness and Exercise: Discover whether you’re genetically more suited to endurance or strength training, helping you choose the right workouts for maximum benefit.

  • Detox Pathways: If your detoxification processes are slow, you can incorporate specific foods or supplements to support your liver and detox system.

  • Inflammatory Responses: Learn how to reduce genetic predispositions to inflammation, which can affect everything from joint pain to cardiovascular health.

How Is the 3x4 Genetics Test Done?

The process is simple:

  1. Sample Collection: You provide a saliva sample using a home kit. The kit includes easy-to-follow instructions.

  2. Sample Submission: Mail the saliva sample to the lab in the prepaid envelope.

  3. Lab Analysis: The lab analyzes your DNA for specific genetic markers that affect your health.

  4. Results: In 3-4 weeks, you’ll receive a detailed report, which your practitioner will review with you to create a personalized health plan.

What Is the Cost of the 3x4 Genetics Test?

The 3x4 Genetics Test typically costs between $299 and $349, depending on whether it’s part of a consultation package. This cost covers the comprehensive analysis of your genetic data and a personalized report that can guide long-term health improvements.

Fun Facts About Genetics and Personalized Health

  • Caffeine Sensitivity: Your genes determine how fast you metabolize caffeine. If you're a slow metabolizer, that extra cup of coffee might be making you anxious.

  • Exercise and Recovery: Some people are genetically predisposed to quicker recovery after workouts. Knowing this can help you adjust your exercise routine.

  • Nutrigenomics: The study of how food and genes interact, helping you understand why certain diets work for some people but not for others.

Why Choose the 3x4 Genetics Test?

If you’ve ever wondered why standard health advice doesn’t always work for you, the 3x4 Genetics Test can provide answers. It helps eliminate guesswork by providing personalized recommendations based on your unique genetic code. Whether you want to lose weight, boost energy, manage stress, or optimize fitness, this test offers tailored strategies to help you reach your goals.

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Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)


Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ)